Beer de-alcoholization modules

Alfa Laval offers advanced cost-effective, standardized solutions and systems for removing or reducing alcohol in beer to help brewers tap into the fast-growing and profitable low and noalcohol beer market as people across the world search for healthier options.

阿法拉伐全自动啤酒脱醇模块-Fully automatic beer dealcoholization module

Proven solutions for all types of beer including cloudy wheat beers and dark beers

  • High natural flavour preservation to ensure high quality marketable products
  • Broad choice of flow rates and equipment to suit specific need
  • Easy to install and integrate thanks to prefabricated, modular plug-in solutions
  • Energy efficient production – low running and maintenance costs
  • Single source supply for peace of mind
Our modules are backed by the global Alfa Laval Support Service, which includes start up, and training, site audits and upgrades. Read more about our Support Service offering below.

Services to extend your equipment performance

We support you with all types of services and training required for high performance and maximal ROI throughout the lifespan of your investment. With Alfa Laval as your service partner, you ensure reliable uptime and high efficiency while keeping total cost of ownership to a minimum.

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Let us help you tap into an exciting and profitable market

Low and no-alcohol beers are set to make significant inroads into the mainstream market. This will give rise to important choices and challenges with respect to flavour, technology capabilities and cost-effectiveness. We understand the process of removing alcohol from beer. Get in touch with us and let’s discuss the possibilities for your brewery.

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AB InBev

With the dealcoholizer, which we use to remove the alcohol from the beer, plus our key proprietary technology, we were able to develop non-alcoholic beers that taste just like a regular beer."

- Alberto Sun, Global Director Raw Materials